Let's reunite the Lasalle couple!
Participate in the acquisition of a masterpiece for the Musée de l'Armée: Portrait of Comtesse de Lasalle with her daughter by Antoine-Jean Gros!
The project at a glance
From October 11th 2021 to February 4th 2022, the Musée de l’Armée has launched a subscription appeal to acquire the Portrait of Joséphine d’Aiguillon, Comtesse de Lasalle, with her daughter, Joséphine Charlotte, painted by Antoine-Jean Gros in 1812.The appeal has benefited from the patronage of Stéphane Bern.
The Musée de l’Armée has reached and surpassed its target with a grand total of €208,139 thank to 525 donors, the Fonds du patrimoine-French Ministry of Culture and sponsors. We warmly thank them all!
Reunite the portraits of the Countess and the General at the Invalides
The portrait of the comtesse de Lasalle
This monumental portrait represents the Countess in full mourning clothes, alongside her daughter, in front of the bust of her deceased husband. This artwork represents the posthumous counterpart to the General’s portrait, which is already part of the museum’s collections.

Commissioned by General Lasalle’s widow the day after he died on the battlefield of Wagram, this portrait evokes, with deep tenderness, the death of a loved one, and the strength of the romantic and filial connection. It also refers to the renewed emphasis, at that time, on fallen soldiers, as well as the families they left behind.
Through the acquisition of this piece, the museum is hoping to reunite the spouses’ portraits by placing them close to each other, within its permanent exhibition, to evoke the story of the soldiers’ wives and families.

Antoine-Jean Gros (1771-1835), Portrait de la comtesse de Lasalle et de sa fille (Portrait of Comtesse de Lasalle with Her Daughter), 1812, oil on canvas, H. 250 x L. 175 cm, private collection.
Antoine-Jean Gros (1771-1835), Portrait du général Lassalle au siège de Stettin (Portrait of General Lasalle at the Siege of Stettin), 1808, oil on canvas, H. 248 x L. 175 cm © Paris - Musée de l'Armée, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais.
Stéphane Bern, patron of the subscription appeal
“Help the Musée de l’Armée to acquire this masterpiece!”

The portrait of the Countess, a masterpiece
A daring and passionate couple
"I love you as tobacco smoke and the chaos of war."
These words from the General to his wife demonstrate the passion that united these two beings. Joséphine d’Aiguillon met Comte de Lasalle in 1797, in Italy, where Napoleon’s “Hussar General” distinguished himself by his heroism. At the time, she was married to General Victor Léopold Berthier, who she had three sons with. She did not hesitate to divorce him in order to marry General Lasalle on 5 December 1803. They had a daughter, Joséphine Charlotte, in 1806.

A female figure of her time
Although the legendary bravery of the General overshadowed the life of his wife, Joséphine d’Aiguillon nevertheless illustrated the women’s emancipation movement which began in the early 19th century.
By travelling, holding court, and doing what she loved in a war-torn world, she embodied the figure of an independent woman, yearning for freedom and individual happiness. The acquisition of her portrait is in line with the Musée de l’Armée’s wish to reposition women in the military history, by giving them a more prominent place.
For the museum, this will be the first great female portrait to feature in its permanent collections.

A testament family love
The composition of the work is based on the silent dialogue between the young widow, her eyes filled with tears, and the deceased, represented in the eternal form of a marble bust. Their daughter, Joséphine Charlotte, dressed in a charming white dress, is trying to drag her mother towards life and the garden in which the Countess’ three sons, who were adopted by General Lasalle after their father died, are located.
This portrait is a tenderly expression of the strength of the emotional bonds affected by the Napoleonic campaigns, which left many families in fear and mourning. The Musée de l’Armée wishes to give them a greater space within its rooms to illustrate this other aspect of the war.

A masterpiece of the First Empire
This portrait, a masterpiece of First Empire painting, is remarkable for its treatment of the flesh tints and textures: velvets, astrakhan, lace, as well as marble demonstrate the attention to detail and the influence of Flemish artists. The work also captures the audience’s attention through its grace by displaying the beauty of the two female figures, whilst expressing their feelings with restraint. This is a distinguishing feature of the artist, the painter of both portraits, that of the Countess and of General Lasalle, who also happened to be one of the couple’s friends.
Antoine-Jean Gros, a patriot and strong supporter of Napoleon, was one of the great painters of that period. Although he put his art at the service of the Empire, he nevertheless did not hesitate to convey suffering and sorrow.
Discover all the secrets of the portrait of the comtesse de Lasalle by clicking on the icons below.
List of donors
The Musée warmly thank all donors!
Thanks to 525 donors, individuals, associations, foundations and companies, the Musée de l’Armée has reached its target with a grand total of €208,139. The Musée de l’Armée warmly thank donors for their commitment and support.
Thanks to you, the Musée will reunite the portraits of the Lasalle couple in the permanent exhibition.
This success was made possible thanks to the support of the Fonds du patrimoine-French Ministry of Culture and our sponsors:
- SAMA – Société des Amis du Musée de l’Armée
- Fondation Napoléon
- Association des officiers de la promotion général Lasalle
- Fondation la France Mutualiste
- ANFEM – Association Nationale des Femmes de Militaires
And all our individual donors!
AGRET Hervé ; ALEXANDRE Christophe ; AMELOT Raymonde ; ARGOUD Veronique ; ASTIER Morgane ; AUBAGNAC Gilles ; AUDRAS Cyril ; AUGER Jean Marc ; AUGER Gilles ; AZAM-PRADEILLES Anne.
BACQUEY TANAFF Pascale ; BADEY Eric ; BALDIVIA Bernard ; BALERIAUX Julie ; BANSEDE Joséphine ; BARATTE Laurence ; BARATTE Laurence ; BARAZZUTTI Roberto ; BARDURY François ; BARMASSE Lionel ; BARRIAC Régis ; BASQUIN Jean-François ; BATAILLE Hugo ; BATAILLE Henry ; BAUDET Tancrède ; BAUDOUIN-RAVILLAT Muriel ; BAUDRY Christophe ; BAUDRY Pierre-Jean ; BAUMANN Grâce ; BAUTISTA Louise ; BAZERQUE Alexandre ; BEAUMONT Jacques ; BÉGUIER Vincent ; BELLION Jacky ; BELNA Antoine ; BENAS Aurélia ; BERAULT Pierre ; BERCHON Laure ; BEREZIAT Jimmy ; BERGER Linda ; BERNARD Francois-Charles ; BEROUL Patrice ; BERTHELOT Yves ; BERTIN Jean-Pierre ; BERTOLINI Elisa ; BERTRAND Guillaume ; BESNARD Romain ; BISCHOFF Christine ; BISCHOFF Jean-Yves ; BISVAL Arnaud ; BIZOT Patrick ; BLANDIN Laetitia ; BLINDAUER Marc ; BLOCH Didier ; BOBILLON Stéphane ; BOILLEDIEU Julien ; BOILLOT Pierre ; BOILLOT Eric ; BONNET Micheline ; BONTEMPS Sébastien ; BONTEMPS Gilles ; BORIES Christian ; BOSSE Estelle ; BOUCARD Aurelia ; BOUFFETEAU Jean-Louis ; BOURDEAU Eléonore ; BOURNOVILLE Alain ; BRAS Philippe ; BRES Romain ; BREVET Clément ; BRINDEJONC Jean Louis ; BRIZARD Vincent ; BRÖCKERMANN Heiner ; BRUGNONI Jean-Marie ; BRUN Bénédicte ; BRUNET Michel ; BURBAN Charles ; BURIE Alain ; BUSCH Philippe.
CAILLON Pauline-Gabrielle ; CAILLON Violette ; CALMETTES Véronique ; CARLIER Romain ; CARON Moniquerue ; CASTILLO SCHWANK Enrique et Evgeniya ; CATAU Olivier ; CAZALET Francois ; CENDRIER Bernard ; CHAMPION Seb ; CHANETZ Vincent ; CHANLIAU Patrick ; CHANLIAU Guillaume ; CHAPELIN-VISCARDI Jean-Luc ; CHARTRAIN Christophe ; CHATELET Martine ; CHATELLAIN Cyrille ; CHAUVIRE Cécile ; CHAVAROCHE Agathe ; CHAVAROCHE Bastienne ; CHAVAROCHE Marie-Pierre ; CHAVAROCHE Pierre ; CHAVAROCHE Valéry ; CHAYOT Romain ; CHAYOT Bernard ; CHERRIER-LEVEQUE Noëlle ; CHILLEMI Bruno ; CHOPIN Laurent Olivier ; CISNEROS Bruno ; CLANET Pierre ; CLAUZADE Clement ; COLAS Eric ; COLLIGNON Jean-Guy ; COLONNA Philippe ; CONVERSY Anaïs ; CORBET Thierry ; COTTEREAU Killian ; COULAUD Agnès ; COURBEBAISSE Jean ; COURBEBAISSE Jean ; COUSSIN Christophe ; COUTEROT Alain ; CUIGNET Patrick.
DAFFOS Marie Hélène ; DANIEL Hugo ; DAPRES de BLANZY-GHIRINGHELLI Nicole ; DAQUIN Christine ; DARENE Cédric ; DARSES Sylvie ; DAS Ramendra ; DAUCHELLE Alain ; DAUTREMONT Christiane ; DAYOT Charlotte ; DE DIESBACH Thibaut ; DE GHAMENA GUERIN Charles-Edouard ; de GOUVION SAINT CYR Arnaud ; DE GRAEVE Frédéric ; DE LA JARA Jesus ; DE LA TOUR Édouard ; DE LA TOUR D’AUVERGNE Marie-Sol ; DE LAITRE Catherine ; DE MEDLEGE Henry ; DE NOBLET Stanislas ; DE REINACH-HIRTZBACH Antoine ; DE SAINT-GERMAIN Guy ; DE SOULTRAIT Bruno ; DE TOUCHET Véronique ; DE VARAX Patrice ; DELAHALLE Jean-François ; DELCOUR Brigitte ; DELPIRE Laurent ; DELPUECH Clémence ; DENHEZ Olivier ; DESFORGES Francis ; D'HAUTERIVE Florence ; DI GALLO Marc ; DICK Jean-Louis ; DONATI Stéphane ; DOUZIECH Jules ; DRILLEAU Clément ; DRITZAS Mathis ; DROGREY Arthur ; DROGREY Fabien ; DROLLER Chantal ; DROMARD Jean-Pierre ; DU CHOUCHET Yrieix ; DU CLY Pierre Adrien & Princesse MURAT de CHASSELOUP LAUBAT Inès ; DU PEYROUX Antoine ; DU PEYROUX Etienne Et Caroline ; DUBOUT Matthieu ; DUC LEMARCHANDEL Nathalie ; DUCLOS Bertrand ; DUFLOT Jean-Philippe ; DUGARDIN Cédric ; DURAND-DELABRE Florian ; DURAND-ROGER Michel ; DUTILLEUL Francis ; DUTRUT Jocelyne ; DUVAL Rémy Marc.
ECOBICHON Jean-François ; EDLER Axelle ; ERMISSE Gérard ; ESCALE Alexis ; ESCANDE Michel ; EUVRARD Fabrice ; EVESQUE Alix ; EVRARD Davina ; FABRE Didier ; FAUCON Sung-Dae ; FAURE Agnes ; FAVEREAU Lionel ; FELIX François ; FERNANDEZ Alexandre ; FERRANDEZ Sylvie ; FERRARI Théo ; FERRY Véronique ; FEYDEL Anne ; FIANI Rémi ; FILLOUX Florian ; FLANDRE Patrick ; FLEURY Xavier ; FONTAINE Jean-Jacques ; FOUCHER Marc ; FRADIN Alain ; FRANCESCHI Christelle ; FRANCO Monique ; FRANTZWA Guillaume ; FROGER Stéphanie ; FULACHIER Jean-Luc.
GAGNE Joey ; GARLAND Paul ; GAROFALO Gianluca ; GASTAUD Rémy ; GAUTIER Vincent ; GAVAGNACH Ivan ; GEORGES-PICOT Charlotte ; GERVAIS Emmanuel ; GESTIN Daniel ; GHIRINGHELLI Marc ; GIANADDA François ; GIARD Regis ; GILLE Frederic ; GILMAS Erwan ; GIRARD Yvonne ; GIRARD Fabien ; GIRAUDEAU Jean-François ; GIRAUDEAU Lauriane ; GODARD Fabrice ; GOLDCHER Alain ; GONOT Melanie ; GONTARD Xavier ; GONTIER Béatrice ; GORSE Olivier ; GOURDIN Sylvie ; GRANIER Benjamin ; GRAS Romain ; GRAULT Bertrand ; GREFF Fabienne ; GRESSER Marcel ; GRILLON Laetitia ; GROS Frank ; GROS Alain ; GUADAGNIN Thierry ; GUERIN Lionel ; GUIGANTON Danielle ; GUIGNET Jean-François ; GUILLEMAIN Monique ; GUYOT-SIONNEST Denis.
HAMTAT Clément ; HAMTAT Kamel ; HELAINE Brigitte ; HERBERT François-Xavier ; HERBERT Jean-François ; HERBINET Jean-Gabriel ; HERROU Christian ; HERVOUËT Chloé ; HOARAU Noémie ; HONORE-HARDY Annie ; HOTYAT Jean-Michel et Micheline ; HOUDOUIN Gilles ; HOUEE Yannick ; HOURQUET Thomas ; HUET Jean-Christophe ; HUMBERT Gérard ; HUTIN Dominique ; HYNES Elizabeth ; IMBERT Clement ; IONITA Constantin-Daniel.
JACOPIN Philippe ; JAMES-SARAZIN Ariane ; JAULIAC Eric ; JEAN Fabrice ; JOLY Quentin ; JOUANNE Pierre ; JOUFFRAY Claire ; JOUFFRAY Louis-Camille ; JOURDAN Steeve ; KAM-THONG Gilles ; KARAR Laurent ; KAYEMBE Freddy ; KEMPF Michel ; KILHOFFER Marion ; KLEINMAN Sylvie ; KLOTZ Daniel.
LABADIE Pierre-Nils ; LABOUREIX Jean-Baptiste ; LACOFFRETTE Aurore ; LACOR Thierry ; LACROIX Florian ; LAMARQUE Antoine ; LAMBERT Monique ; LANG Cameron ; LARUAZ Florian ; LASCAUD Jérôme ; LAUBIER Béatrice ; LAURENT Henriette ; LAVERGNE Laurent ; LE CAPITAINE Sandra ; LE FLEM Corinne ; LE GOFF Jean-Yves ; LE MOIGNIC Goustan ; LECUPPRE Patrick ; LEFEBVRE Stephane ; LEFEVRE Frédéric ; LEFEVRE Mélisande ; LEGENDRE Jean-Yves ; LEGUILLIER Dominique ; LEMAIRE Alice ; LEMAITRE Christelle ; LENOIR Caroline ; LENTIEZ Martine ; LEROY Blandine ; LESPIAUT Christophe ; LETURCQ Nicolas ; LEVEQUE Guillaume ; LEVIEUX Pauline ; LEVIEUX Amaury ; LEVIN Céline ; LHERBETTE Laurent ; LIDSKY Vincent ; LIFCHITZ Léonie from NIEMTZOW Elisa ; LIOT Gérard ; LLEWELLYN Cedric ; LORENZINI Benoît ; LOTTIN François ; LOURDAULT Jean-Eric ; LOUVEL François ; LOUVRE Frederic ; LOZE Antoine.
MAHÉ Francis ; MAILLOT Sylvie ; MAIRE Yvette ; MALDERA Victoire ; MANENTI Pierre ; MANOTTA Maurizio ; MAQUET Christine ; MARCEL Pierre ; MARCHAL Valerie ; MARIOTTI Francois ; MARISSAL Hélène ; MARQUET Renaud ; MARSELLA François ; MARY Gauthier ; MASCARO Patrick ; MASSE Thierry ; MASSONI Gérard ; MASSONNIERE Sylviane ; MATHIEUX Joël ; MATHURIN Jean-Loup ; MAUREL Laurent ; MAZIN Aurelien ; MAZIN Clarisse ; MERCIER Eric ; MEUNIER Brigitte ; MEYRUEIX Danielle ; MIALHE Justine ; MICHEL Gilles ; MICHELOT Bastien ; MICU Cristian ; MIGETTE Olivier ; MINCK Catherine ; MONNIER Benoît ; MORAGUES Manuel ; MORANDI Arnaud ; MOREAU Emmanuel ; MORILLAS Arnaud ; MOSNIER Robert ; MOTUHI Lydie-Inès ; MOURE Caroline ; NAUNY Philippe ; NEUSCHWANDER Isabelle ; NICOLAS Aude ; NICOSIA Marie-Claire ; NIERUCHALSKI Jérôme ; NOGUERA Olivier ; NOOMEN Eric-Jan ; NORDIN Nathalie ; NOUHAUD Philippe ; NOUVEL de LA FLÈCHE Hugues.
ODOARDI Gianluca ; ONILLON Benedicte ; OUDOT de DAINVILLE Etienne ; PAGANELLI Etienne ; PAROLIN Alain ; PASCAL Mahouin ; PATOURET Ludovic ; PELTOT Stéphanie ; PEREIRA Eddy ; PERRET Christophe ; PERRIN Aymeric ; PETITJEAN Pascal ; PEYROUX Henry ; PHILIPPE Lucie ; PIERRIN Mickael ; PIERSON Samuel ; PINAULT Valérie ; PINTO Pauline ; PLOURIN Yannick ; PLUSQUELLEC Laurent ; POINTUD Lucile ; PONDRANO ALTAVILLA Gianmarco ; POUCHOULIN Yves ; POUS Stephane ; PROVOST Gael ; PUECH Charles ; PUPPATO Fabien ; PUYAU Coralie.
QUIDORT Joelle ; QUINTARD Jean-Gauthier ; RADU Mireille ; RANSON Catherine ; RAPICAULT Guillaume ; RARCHAERT Laurent ; RAVANEL Marie-Paule ; RAZAT Pierre ; REES Eric ; REINOSE Michel ; REUMAUX SABINE ; REVEST Hélène ; REY Vincent ; RHINEHART Guillaume ; RIANT Pascal ; RIDET Dominique ; RIHOUX Jean-Marc ; RITTER Pascal ; ROBERT Frédéric ; ROBERT Maxime ; ROBERT HAUGLUSTAINE Anne Catherine ; ROBIN Olivier ; RODRIGUES Emmanuel ; ROGE Jean-Luc ; ROLET Manuel ; ROMAN-AMAT Jacques ; ROSSELLE Antoine ; ROUSSEAU Marie.
SABATIER Maryse ; SAHUN Olivier ; SALBAN Carine ; SALIERES GANGLOFF Sandrine in the name of Atelier de reliure Sandrine Salières Gangloff ; SANANIKONE Nicolas ; SANCERY Elisabeth ; SANDERS Michael ; SANSON Jacqueline ; SARRAZIN Edouard ; SCHEIBLI Roxane ; SCHEIDECKER Florence ; SCUTARI Francesca ; SÉGERAND Philippe ; SEGONNE Véronique ; SEREY Julien ; SERMET Patrick ; SIRUGUE-VIANELLO Benoît ou Alicia ; SON Monica ; SONTAG Alain ; SONTAG Léo ; SOUCHET Olivier ; SPECKLIN Joseph ; SUCCAB Boris ; SURET-CANALE Marc-Antoine ; SUSBIELLES Christine.
TAILLEFER Michael ; TARENNE Christine ; TAUVEL Lucile ; THEVENON Dominique ; THEZE Jean-Yves ; THIBAULT Marc ; THOMAS Dominique ; THURIOT Benjamin ; TIERCE Pascal ; TONON Michael ; TRANCHANT Jean-François ; TRARI Mikel ; TSCHUDY José-Fabrice ; TSE Jean-Victor ; TSIN Fabien ; UZAN Pierre.
VACHER Yannick ; VAISSIERE Quentin ; VALAT Hugues ; VALCKE Samuel ; VALEM Thomas ; VAN DAMME Monique ; VAN RO Thomas ; VAN VEEN Ben Alexander ; VANDAMME Eric ; VARENGUIN Paul ; VENTURINI Alain ; VERENO Alessia ; VERON Isabelle ; VERVAEKE Philippe ; VESSERON Nicole ; VICHERY Jacques ; VIGIER Marie-Line ; VIVIEN Béatrice ; VUILLARD Jérémie ; VUILLEFROY de SILLY Hugues ; VUILLEFROY de SILLY Tanguy ; VUILLEFROY de SILLY Evelyn ; WAFIK Soraya ; WAGNER Calixte ; WAHL Jean-Claude ; WEBER Régis ; WELSCH Jeremy ; WERNOTH Johann.
And all the donors who wished to remain anonymous.

Mission Mécénat
Téléphone : + 33 (0)1 44 42 38 81 / +33 (0)1 44 42 32 72
Courriel : mecenat@ musee-armee.fr