Tourism and Works Council Professionals

Are you a tourism or leisure professional, or a representative of a works council, an association or a local authority ? Would you like to propose your customers or staff a visit to the Musée de l'Armée ?

On this page, you will find all the advantages you can benefit from, as well as purchasing details.

Bulk ticket orders

Benefit from a number of advantages when you bulk buy tickets for the Musée de l’Armée:

  • Preferential reduced price of €14 when you buy 10+ full-price tickets
  • No-queue tickets
  • Undated tickets, valid for two years from the date of purchase
  • A personal professional space for purchasing tickets easily and whenever you wish
  • Digital and physical tickets sent by post (shipping from €10)

Contact us now by sending an email to

Booking fees of €1 per ticket apply to discounted tickets.


Hiring space

Located right in the centre of Paris in the prestigious setting provided by the Hôtel National des Invalides, the Musée de l'Armée offers an exceptional choice of spaces for hosting events: cocktail parties, lunches, dinners, press conferences, symposia, launches, fashion shows, etc.

For further information, please send an email to


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Access to the Museum is via 129 rue de Grenelle (from 10am to 6pm) or via Place Vauban (only from 2pm to 6pm). Enjoy your visit!

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