Request an image

The Musée de l’Armée has a substantial photographic collection, which covers its collections as well as the built heritage of the Hôtel National des Invalides. You will find how to access and consult the photographic collection on this page.

The photographic collection of the Musée de l'Armée

The photographic collection of the Musée de l’Armée consists of 50,000 high-definition images and covers:

  • the collections’ emblematic objects,
  • typological series to follow the evolution of weaponry, equipment, and uniform of the French Army from the Middle Ages to the present day,
  • important iconographic series regarding arms handling, uniforms, fights, sieges, and battles linked to the history of France,
  • the tomb of the Emperor,
  • the architectural shots of the Hôtel National des Invalides.

This collection is managed and distributed by our partner, the photographic agency of the Réunion des Musées Nationaux – Grand Palais (RMN-GP).


How to request an image ?


You can order images by contacting the photographic agency of the RMN-GP (see contact details below).

Conditions for free access

Within the framework of the opening of public data, the use of images from the photographic collection of the Musée de l’Armée is now free under the following conditions:

  • the publishing of scientific publications and theses for publishers which have their headquarters in the European Union, with a print run of up to 1,500 copies, including reprints,
  • the projection and distribution in the context of museum, educational (excluding school textbooks) and scientific activities, which includes presenting guided tours, facilitating educational workshops, providing teaching and training, and holding conferences and seminars,
  • the use by academic societies, remembrance or veterans’ associations, as well as the donors of objects or documents that have entered the collections of the Musée de l’Armée and their beneficiaries.

The granting of free access does not exempt you from sending the necessary supporting documents.

For further information

For further information or requests with respect to specific research, please contact the photographic agency of the RMN-GP, which is responsible for the photographic collection of the Musée de l’Armée.


Photographic agency of the RMN – Grand Palais


254 - 256 rue de Bercy - 75577 Paris cedex 12
Email :
Phone : 33(0)1 40 13 46 83

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[Modified access] Access to the Museum is only via 129 rue de Grenelle. Enjoy your visit!

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Access to the Museum is via 129 rue de Grenelle (from 10am to 6pm) or via Place Vauban (only from 2pm to 6pm). Enjoy your visit!

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