The restoration of Napoleonic monuments
For the bicentenary of Napoleon I’s death on 5 May 2021, the Musée de l’Armée and the Fondation Napoléon joined forces to launch an international appeal to restore, at the Hôtel National des Invalides, the monuments associated with the Emperor and his brothers Joseph, King of Naples and later of Spain, and Jerome, King of Westphalia and later Governor of the Invalides.
Target achieved for the international appeal

The appeal was launched on 5 May 2019, and now, almost two years after the event, the Musée de l’Armée and the Fondation Napoléon, co-organiser and patron, are pleased to announce that the appeal target was reached (and surpassed) on 1st February 2021, with a grand total of €836,960. This success was made possible thanks to the support of nearly 2,310 donors from France and around the world, individuals and companies. The Musée de l’Armée and the Fondation Napoléon warmly thank donors for their commitment and support.
This exceptional effort and result will make it possible to finance more of the restoration work than previously planned, all additional donations being also directed towards the restorations planned as part of this appeal.
The 360° program of the Dôme church, produced by the musée de l'Armée and created by Electronic Eye.
The restoration higlights

This is a historic monument that receives more than 1.2 million visitors a year, and the wear and tear caused by this, not to mention the fact that the places in question had not been restored for more than a century, made this operation urgently necessary.
This twenty-month fund-raising project was marked by several highlights. The restoration work to restore lustre to these Napoleonic monuments began in December 2019. The tomb, the crypt and the twelve “Victoires” have been restored to their full splendour and prestige as a result of the restored gilding and meticulous cleaning of the stones and marbles. Other equally spectacular results have been achieved in the renovation of the Chapelle Saint-Jérôme, begun in May 2020.
The Museum has also undertaken the restoration of six exceptional paintings on the theme of the return of the Emperor’s Mortal Remains.
Heritage conservation professionals restore the Dôme to its former splendor

The Musée de l’Armée and the Fondation Napoléon are delighted to have been able to mobilise the savoir-faire and expertise of so many heritage professionals for this major restoration project, especially given the difficult context of 2020.
For any information regarding this project and press relations: lentz@ or +33 (0)1 56 43 46 00 napoleon.org
For any information regarding your donation: amongin@ or +33 (0)1 56 43 46 00 napoleon.org
Fondation Napoléon
7, rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
75005 PARIS