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Temporary exhibition – March 27 to July 14 2013
Musée de l’Armée - Hôtel national des Invalides, Paris
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Resistance to the Empire

France was alienated from peoples because of her conquests and from kings because of her revolution and new dynasty. [...] She could no longer have friends, only subjects for if there had been any, some would have been false while others would have proven bitter enemies: it was therefore necessary that all should be subjected to her or her to all
General Count Philippe-Paul de Segur (1780-1873), Napoleon's Russian Campaign.

In 1812, the majority of the European continent was subject to French influence. Napoleon's empire extended from Perpignan to Amsterdam, and from Hamburg to Rome. Joseph Bonaparte was king of Spain and Murat of Naples. Russia, Austria, the German states, Denmark and Sweden were allies of Napoleonic France. Only the United Kingdom opposed his supremacy.
These alliances, obtained through war and treaties, barely concealed the geopolitical tensions that still existed in Europe.
Born of the war, Napoleonic power required permanent movement and incessant reorganisations of the map in order to maintain itself, as Napoleon expressed in 1813: "Your kings, born on the throne, may return defeated; in order that I can remain ruler, I need victories". This logic led to a spiral of war which could only end in the subjection of the United Kingdom.
To achieve this end, Napoleon decreed a general embargo on British trade: the continental blockade. However, far from creating a "common market" on the continent, the blockade disrupted economic and financial activity. In addition, national feeling arose in some countries, manifested through revolts against French domination in Italy, in the Tyrol, in Holland and above all in Spain, where the insurrection against the French occupation became nationwide.
Meanwhile, Prussia and Russia awaited the moment to take their revenge.
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Redingote de NapoléonChapeau de Napoléon porté en Russie
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Watch the animation of the historic re-enactment
of a Gribauval system canon firing in the army of Napoleon
(length : 3minutes 1second, french voiceover)

Listen to the souvenirs of the Tyrol by Baron Lejeune, an officer of the French Empire (length : 4minutes 11seconds, french voiceover)

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Hostile European powers

That Napoleon, in his lust of power on the European continent, had already overstepped the limits of the possible of this I had not the slightest doubt. I foresaw that neither he nor his undertakings would escape the consequences of rashness and extravagance
Memoirs of Prince Metternich
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Popular uprisings

Animated by a fanatical zeal and a patriotic light in their hearts by the speeches of the monks, they marched against the French, the crucifix in one hand and a dagger in the other, the shoulder girdle across their chests and hell in their hearts
Memoirs d'un apothicaire sur la guerre d'Espagne: pendant les années1808 à 1814 (A detailed account of the Spanish civil war), Sébastien Blaze