Museum treasures
This portfolio contains twenty-four aesthetic, technical and symbolic “treasures” from the Army Museum’s collections, from the late Middle Ages to the Second World War.
This portfolio contains twenty-four aesthetic, technical and symbolic "treasures" from the Army Museum's collections, from the late Middle Ages to the Second World War.
War and the arts on the one hand, war and techniques on the other, or even a combination of all three, have been intertwined in surprising ways ever since people began fighting each other. This has resulted in some memorable items being produced.
You will find these objects in the collections exhibited in the spaces of the museum, organized by periods : from St. Louis to Louis XIV, from Louis XIV to Napoleon III, the Two World Wars.
The twenty-four objects selected are all major pieces closely linked to military history, each in their own way. The weapons, uniforms and lavish insignia of the holders of political and military power appear alongside technical achievements that were an awesome success in their time. Other more modest objects also feature, as historical circumstances have bestowed exceptional symbolic value on them. Finally, several works of art testify to artists' fascination with war and warriors, glory and destruction.